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Quality coffee production

from Vietnam

About company

Vietnam Robusta Coffee Farm


B’lao Rubia farm is a coffee farm in the mountain of Lam Vien highland, Lam Dong province, Vietnam.

  • High quality - specialty coffee qualified by CQI
    High quality - specialty coffee qualified by CQI
  • Aroma balance
    Aroma balance
  • Sweet flavor
    Sweet flavor
  • Eco Product
    Eco Product
Our products

B'lao Rubia Coffee


Green bean & Organic bean & Roasted bean

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world.

Cofffee has a complex positive effect on the body. Daily use of a cup of Coffee is good for your health.

  • Boost energy levels
    Boost energy levels
  • Boost physical performance
    Boost physical performance
  • Improve health conditions
    Improve health conditions
  • Reduce depressions
    Reduce depressions

How to make Coffee

Let’s watch our video to know more about our coffee !

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+84 963 014 530

+84 963 014 530

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